Unable to put absolute div zindex over "Empty: Subpage without Header" header/menu


I have a slider in my website but there is no easy way to put this slider always on top of everything, even the menu. The idea behind this is to be able to always close the slider, even when the height of the view-port is a little small. 

I could send you the url of the website by private message. 



  • Hi,
    Can you send the link of the website in your next reply?
    If you'll send it through the contact form then you'll need to wait a day or two.
  • Hello Pablo,

    Thank you very much for your fast reply. The url of the website is inside the pastebin.

    Inside the landing you will find some colored bullet/circle buttons that you can click and trigger the slider to open. The problem is with that slider, if the height of the window is too small and the slider overlaps with the menu, then the X button to close the slider is behind the menu. I cannot manage to get your menu behind the slider. 

  • Hi,
    Unfortunately, it's not possible.
    I tried to change it with the CSS in a lot of ways but the result is always the same.
    If you have some other questions, feel free to ask.
  • Yep, just as I expected. Playing a little bit with the heights and the sticky header is possible but is a quite dirty solution. 

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