Layer Slider

I am unable to update Layer Slider from 6.7.6  to 6.8.1. I also do not see it in my downloaded files. Please help!


  • edited March 2019
    Is there any error message?
    Can you explain what happens when you want to update this plugin?
    Make sure you install and update the bundled plugins from betheme>install plugins.
    Try disabling all plugins when updating.
  • It does not seem this theme needs Layer slider. If that be the case why is the theme prompting me to install slider. I currently have active revolution slider. do i have to ignore the request. to update. Pleae advice 

  • Theme is employment 
  • No, it does not need. This message is just an information, you can ignore it.
    The problem is why cannot you install it. Can you send us information on what is happening when you are trying to update it? Any errors?
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