button above header

edited March 2019 in Theme support
Greetings, iam really liking your theme but i have a question that i need you to answer, i need to create a menu that have on upper left the logo, upper right a button of login and under it i need social icons, and under all that the main menu, how can i do it?,( i tried to do it with action bar but it doesnt allow me to insert a button as i need there (could be a button or a link)
for clarify i need to look it like this:
Thanks in advance!
PD:(tried to do it with magazine header but it doesnt look like that and i also need to change the icons of the social icons)


  • Hi,
    It will be not possible with the basic headers of BeTheme.

    Did you try the "Muffin Header Builder" ?
    It has a lot of options and it allows you to create the header as you want and it's fully 'drag-and-drop'
    You can install it in BeTheme > Install Plugins

    Also, it's not possible to change the icons of the social icons, BeTheme does not have such functionality.
    It requires theme files customization, but we do not support such a modifications.
  • thanks for the answer im looking to an alternative and im trying to do it with the magazine header
    it looks similar but i have a problem, i want to put social icons made by me and that image will link to the social media that i like, the problem is that  if i insert another image with another link it appears bellow the last one, and i need them to appear next to each other
    the code im using is this one:
    <a href="www..."><img src="photo.jpg"></a> <a href="www..."><img src="photo.jpg"></a>
    and when i put this the second image appear bellow the first and i need it to appear next to the first
    if i only put images they appear next to each other but if its a image as a link they dont, any help with this? thanks in advance
  • Please always attach a link so we can check it out. If the page is offline(localhost) then our help will be limited, you will have to contact us when the page is online. Also please make sure that the page is not under maintenance before you provide us the link.
    It is always a good idea to also attach a screenshot, for that use services like snag.gy or pasteboard.co
  • edited March 2019
    this is the link for the page

    this is the screenshot

    as you see in the screenshot i have two social icons on green below the green button that are made just from an image
    but if i use link on the image the social icons looks like the two below the first green social icons, and i need them to be side by side (just like the ones below button)

    thanks in advance
  • Your HTML code is not created correct at all.
    I could adjust it with CSS, that's all what I can do with CSS to look it the best.
    Paste this code into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    .banner_wrapper a {
    display:inline-block !important;
  • thanks, that did the trick
    greeting and congrats for your great theme!
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