Insert icon in pop-up button

Is it possible to put an icon near the text link of a pop-up button?
I mean not inside the content pop-up, but in the link to open it.


  • Hi,
    I'm not 100% sure what you want to achieve.
    Do you want to insert the icon near the pop-up link, right?

    Can you send me a link to your website?
    Also, do you use our popup shortcode?

    Try to use the <i class="icon-name"></i> text.
    The list of icons here:
  • edited March 2019
    Yes, i tried but it seems don't work.

    Here the shortcode, i need to put the icon-email (or similar icon) on the left of "Compila il FORM" on the pop-up title:

    <div class="telefono">
    [divider height="20"]
    <p style="font-family:Raleway; font-size:22px;">Contattaci subito</b>, scegli come:</p>
    [button title="WhatsApp" link="#" target="" icon="icon-whatsapp" icon_position="left" color="" font_color="#FFFFFF" size="2" full_width="" class="" download="" onclick=""]
    [popup title="Compila il FORM" padding="10" button="1"]
    <h4 style="margin-bottom:5px; text-align:center;">Compila il form per <b>prenotare gratuitamente</b> il tuo colloquio informativo</h4>
    <div align="center">[contact-form-7 id="106" title="Contatto mobile"]</div>
    [divider height="10"]</div>

    The site in costruction is here, you can see two buttons (WhatsApp and Compila il form) below the revolution slider but only on mobile:
  • Use this code to display the popup instead the [popup] shortcode:
    [button title="Button" link="#you-custom-id" target="_blank" class="" download="" rel="lightbox" onclick=""]
    <div id="you-custom-id" style="display:none">CONTENT HERE</div>

    You'll be able to add an icon as in the first button
  • It works!
    Thank you so much!
  • Glad to hear that.
    Is there anything else I can help you with?
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