Bug in latest version of Betheme - Call to undefined function mfn_opts_show()

When upgrade to the latest version I get the following error when opening the website and nothing else shows - backoffice does work:
Call to undefined function mfn_opts_show()

I then put back an ealrier version and that solved it.
I persume this is a bug?


  • edited March 2019
    I suppose that you use the Child Theme, thats because we changed the structure of the Child Theme.
    Now, you don't have to declare changes in the functions.php file, overwrite the files in the Child Theme.
    But you have to delete the old Child Theme and install the new one which is in the latest package of BeTheme in the ThemeForest.
  • That's correct, we use a child theme.
    So we need to keep all files that were modified, and upload new files, correct?
    I don's understand what you mean with 'Now, you don't have to declare changes in the functions.php file, overwrite the files in the Child Theme.'
  • Previously, you had to include the information in functions.php file which files were changed to turn on that change on the theme.
    Documentation: https://developer.wordpress.org/themes/advanced-topics/child-themes/

    Right now, you don't have to include that information, your changes will be automatically added without leaving a note in a functions.php file - of course, you have to turn on the Child Theme on your website.

    But, in your case it will not solve that 'Call to undefined function mfn_opts_show()' - sorry, my bad.
    To make it work, you have to find that function in your modified files and replace the 'mfn_opts_show()' to 'echo mfn_opts_get()'

    After that, everything will be working fine, we had to make that change because of the new envato rules, more about it here: https://help.author.envato.com/hc/en-us/articles/360000481243#h_674316188621522302914837

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