Change mobile layout of page
Please check here my website:
I would like to use this layout as your demo site BeBoutique where you have text on left - image on right and then image on left - text on right.
What I would like to have is while keeping this layout on desktops and laptops, on smaller screens (tablets, mobiles) I want the layout to be always image-text like here and not text - image like here
Thank you.
To achieve that, you would have to create a separate section for mobile only.
I mean, right now, on desktop your layouts is like Image-text (break) text-image, to display it as you want, you have to change it to image-text, image-text.
To hide the section on certain devices, you have to get into the section settings.
Scroll down, and you'll notice the "Responsive Visibility"
Select on which devices you want to hide it.