Problem with Betheme

Good Morning,

I have a problem with my website. I try to custom my site for mobile, but when I tried to hide my rows, the last rows of the page disappear! The save delete a lot of rows in my page! How I would resolve this problem?

Thank you for the support!
Have a good day



  • Hey,
    you would have to explain what exactly are you doing because it is unclear.
    The Muffin Builder only has an option to hide SECTIONS.
  • I install Diet 2, I use the option to hide section but when I active this option a lot of rows disappear!
    I don't know why, I never head this problem, is very difficult to explain!

  • Please explain what you mean by "row" because we do not have such an item int he Muffin Builder?
    All of the content in the section will be hidden if you hide it on mobile. Maybe you should move some content out of the section you are hiding?
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