Moved website from one domain to another before deregistering


I had to move a website from one domain (.eu) to another (same name but different first level --> .it).

Before deregistering the theme, unfortunately, I migrated all data inside the database, changing the domain.

After migrating, I wanted to update some required plugins and install new ones (bundled/included in BeTheme), and the procedure wasn't working fine. I thought this was due to the fact that the theme was registered under the ".eu" and not the ".it", so I deregistered it by clicking "Deregister Theme", inside the theme Dashboard. The "deregistration" was done properly, but now I can't register again with the .it because the systems still "thinks" the theme is registered on the .eu.

Could you please advise? What could I do to deregister the .eu completely? Is there some section where I can do that on Themeforest? Or can you do it from your databases?



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