Home page section "Header_wrapper" need change to "home"

edited April 2019 in BeBuilder
hello. i want to replace section id " Header_wrapper " to custom id name..
is it possible?


  • Hi,
    Unfortunately, it's not possible.
    It's hardcoded in the theme.

    To change that, you would have to change the HTML structure of our theme which require theme files customization.
    We do not provide support for theme files modifications.
  • ah oky no worry  
    if i change html structure of theme in case of this selection is it  impact to the design? 

  • Yes, it could affect the design and some items - that's why suggest to not to do it, because you will have to change not only the HTML structure, but behavior of some items.

    If you still want to do it, do not forget to use the Child Theme which is included with the BeTheme package from ThemeForest.
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