betheme top navigation menu bar break point


Is there a way to make the top
navigation menu "break point" sooner so that when you shrink the browser
window horizontally that the menu breaks straight to the "hamburger"
menu rather than the top menu stacking "press/contacts" which heightens
the white space of the top navigation bar?


  • Hi,
    The mobile menu breakpoint can be changed in the Theme Options > Responsive > Header

  • The break I am describing occurs at 1330 wide which is beyond the scope for that mobile setting. I
  • If you want to increase that value to 1330, then it's possible only by editing the theme files.
    There is no option to cross that value using the theme options.

    Unfortunately, we do not help with theme files customizations.
  • In regard to the MOBILE breakpoints- I have been working to try to resolve on my own.

    I did make progress thank you. However I am still stuck on a couple things. In particular, there is an image of the lady “Asha” sitting down. This is on the “meet asha” section. On desktop, the image is great but on mobile it resizes down to below the text and I want it to be positioned above the “meet asha” text but still over the brownish background image.

    1) Is there a way to do that so it remains as is for desktop and only changes on mobile?

    2) also, that very same image is duplicated mysteriously at the way bottom of the site. I cannot figure out why Can you help me to get rid of the second instance at the bottom of the site?

    Thank you for all your help
  • 1) You would have to insert the image to be on the left (on desktop) and the text on the right.
    It will display the image above the text then.

    2) It's some section inserted on the bottom of that page.
    Please inspect your Muffin Builder editor, it should be inserted on the bottom of the builder. (as a section)
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