How to change menu color on a Custom layout

Hi there,

is there a possibility to just change the menu color on the custom layout. 
I would like it to be #12427a.

I am talking about this page: 
Thanks a lot!


  • Hi,
    If you want to change the color of the menu using the custom layout, you have to change all of the colors.
    I mean, in the settings of that layout you will find the "Skin" option, there you can select which color you want to use - but it will change all of the colors, including link color etc.

    This is the only way to do that with the Theme Options.

    But, you can use Custom CSS to change that.
    Paste this code below into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    body.dbg-lay-id-217 #Top_bar{
    background: #12427a !important;
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