Update from WP 4.6.14 and Be|theme 14.8 to newest versions ...
Should I do some intermediate steps on my way from WP 4.6.14 and Be|theme 14.8 to WP 5.1 with Be|theme 21.1.6 or can I go in one step?
Would love to go to WP 4.9.10 with the Be|theme-Version, that fits WP 4.9.10 best, but I don't know which version that is and where to get it?
Can someone help, because it is a customers-website and there is no room for experiments. It's no problem for me to do three or four steps, but my problem is to get the Be|theme in earlier versions and the know-how which versions of WP and Be fits together.
Thanks a lot!
Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the
files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme.
We also recommend creating a backup file.
Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a
fresh copy. Do not overwrite files.