Update from WP 4.6.14 and Be|theme 14.8 to newest versions ...


Should I do some intermediate steps on my way from WP 4.6.14 and Be|theme 14.8 to WP 5.1 with Be|theme 21.1.6 or can I go in one step?

Would love to go to WP 4.9.10 with the Be|theme-Version, that fits WP 4.9.10 best, but I don't know which version that is and where to get it? 

Can someone help, because it is a customers-website and there is no room for experiments. It's no problem for me to do three or four steps, but my problem is to get the Be|theme in earlier versions and the know-how which versions of WP and Be fits together. 

Thanks a lot! 


  • Hi,
    You should update the WP and BeTheme because it's way too old.
    Here is an instruction on how to update the theme:
    Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the
    files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme.
    We also recommend creating a backup file.
    Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a
    fresh copy. Do not overwrite files.
  • Hey, thanks for your support! Do you think it is okay to upgrade from the old versions to the newest version in just ONE giant step? 
  • I do not understand what you mean by "One Giant Step", but it;'s really necessary to make that.
    Old versions of BeTheme will not work with the latest versions of PHP and they can be problematic when the hosting provider will stop supporting older versions of PHP.

  • Okay, I try to find other words for my question: 

    Will it be possible to change the old sites with the new Be|theme-Editor? 

    Or in other words: 
    Will it be possible to edit the code from the old editor with the new editor?

    Or in other words: 
    Can it be that the old entries are not compatible with the new version of the theme?

    Thanks a lot for your help! 
  • The old Visual Composer vs. the new Visual Composer, etc. 

    Do you know what I mean? 
  • Hey,
    we do not know about Visual composer, or WPBakery page builder because it is a plugin and you would have to ask the plugin developer. It should work fine.
    The Muffin Builder will also work fine. To be sure, please make a backup before you update or make changes. There most likely will be some manual work with getting it nice and tidy because there were some changes in the time, but the main content should stay intact.
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