I both a new liscence for my other website( kefirroyal.com). Impossible to install it, link expired.


First im french canadien so I will do my best to translate. 

I tried many things. Nothing works. Reinstall wordpress correctly and try to upload the theme.zip in it but the link expired... I try the other file : installable wp files only, didnt work also.: file size exceed the upload_max_filesize in php.ini. So I changed it to 20M and empty my cache and cookies.
I also tried to verify my purchase code on the link: http://api.muffingroup.com/licenses/
this is the error:{"error":"No registered licenses for this purchase code and username"}

What can I do?


  • Hi,
    The "http://api.muffingroup.com/licenses/" tool is used only for deregistering license keys from old domains.
    Remember, that changing value in php.ini will not change it for server, only local value, so if your global is set to 5M and local 20M then it will be limited to 5M.

    You should contact the hosting provider and ask him about increasing that value(because he can be only one who can increase it) or ask him about some logs to solve that problem.
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