Slides are getting cropped

Hi there,

I'm using a slider shortcode to display images. I'm not sure how to control how the images get cropped. I tried making various sizes of images, but each time, the images still get cropped incorrectly.

There should be space above and below the books. I've tried sizing the image exactly to the size that it is displaying on this page, but it seems to enlarge the image and then crop?? I'm not sure what is happening.

I'm not using revolution slider, just regular slides.



  • Hi,
    Did you try to increase the size of featured image with thumbnail regeneration?
    To change the size of the default WordPress gallery images, please go to settings>media.
    Remember to use thumbnail regeneration after you make your changes. Otherwise, the images will not change their size.
    Also, the size provided in settings>media cannot be bigger than resolution of image, because otherwise the images will not change their size.


  • I don't know how to increase the size of the featured image with thumbnail regeneration.

    When I go into the slide page and look at the settings, this is what I see:

    I don't know how to change the size of the featured image from in here... 
    And I don't know how to use thumbnail regeneration?

    I looked in settings>media, but they were all square sizes, so I'm imaging that they're not affecting the slide sizes, which are coming out as rectangles...

  • Hello,
    sorry but Pablo did not undestand you correctly.
    The Slides are not able to be resized or cropped.
    The exact image dimmensions are given in the screenshot you provided.
    Please upload images that are 1630x860 px for best results.
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