Syntax error in functions.php

Hi, I had some problems with Woocommerce Deposits plugin and /wp-json. This is what we found:


Your theme functions.php has a syntax error which should be easy to fix and


is calling a WooCommerce core functions without too early.


  • And this is wp-json error:

    Fatal error: Uncaught Error: Call to a member function get_cart() on null in /home/funplan/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/funplan/public_html/ WC_Deposits_Cart_Manager->has_deposit() #1 /home/funplan/public_html/ WC_Deposits_Cart_Manager->disable_gateways(Array) #2 /home/funplan/public_html/ WP_Hook->apply_filters(Array, Array) #3 /home/funplan/public_html/ apply_filters('woocommerce_ava...', Array) #4 /home/funplan/public_html/ WC_Payment_Gateways->get_available_payment_gateways() #5 /home/funpla in /home/funplan/public_html/ on line 103
  • Hi,
    Is your theme and wordpress up to date?
    Also, BeTheme is made to work with basic version of woocommerce, all third-party plugins like "multilingual" (we suggest to use WPML) or deposits are not supported by us.
  • I am using WPML Multilingual Woocommerce (it's a part of WPML plugin). There is no problem with Deposits its problem with WPML. I have sites with Deposits and Betheme enabled and they working just fine
  • If the problem is related to the WPML, then you should contact the WPML support team.
    After purchasing this plugin, you get access to their forum, please ask them about your problem.

    Check, if it will start to work when the "Deposits" plugin is disabled.
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