Archive Shop Pages are not getting css style

edited May 2019 in WooCommerce
When I go to the shop page everything looks fine but when I click on the pagination the style breaks. Looking at the code it's creating the <ul> but adding the <li> outside the <ul>. However when I refresh the same page the structure and style work fine. Is this an Ajax issue? How can I disable it?  


  • Hello,

    I found the issue to be with incompatibility with this plugin,

    Product Filter for WooCommerce

    Solution: disable ajax filter loading

    If you find a workaround of fix for this please let me know.

    Thank you,
  • Sorry but we only support the main woocommerce plugin. We do not know why this plugin causes problems.
    Do you also have problems with the plugin that paulanz mentioned? If so, we cannot help because this is a third party plugin and we only support the main woocommerce plugin.
    If not, please send us a link to your page.
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