licensecode not registered

Hi there i have in total 6 license codes from you guys.
only 3 show up in your license tool. i want to update my all of my bethemes because i need to get them to work with gutenberg.
any chance you could help me as i am at the moment not able to update my bethemes becaue the license code is not showing. thanks oliver


  • Hi,
    What do you mean by 'the license code is not showing'?
    Can you explain it greater?

    If half of your codes are not displaying on the license tool, then you can register them somewhere.
    If they are already registered, but the license key does not see it, please deregister them and register them again.
  • Dear Pablo, this is the mail that i get when i try to deregister the theme!  i used the theme in the last year under a different country domain. it was how we closed the site and use the theme for i guess there is somewhere the problem. but i need to urgently update your theme as is screws up my wordpress with gutenberg.
    Referer domain is different than registered domain. Please contact us using contact form on our Themeforest profile page:
  • The codes you are not using on any website will not show up in the api licencse tool ( license manager )
    The license manager is used only to deregister websites that you have removed and you cannot log-in to deregister them manually.

    If you want to deregister all licenses and set them up again, you will have to do this manually, by going to each website and deregistering it in the betheme dashboard tab.

    btw. Wordpress updates do not have anything to do with the license key, so you do not have to even have betheme installed to update it.
    There is also a possibility that you have deregistered/registered the same keys too many times and the system blocked you. In this case you need to contact us using the contact form on this page:

    ,and explain the issue there. It is best to attach license keys.

  • thanks brian i fixed it by myself. the problem is that if you change your envato username between sales. your system still holds the license codes purchased with the old username onto it and they dont show up on the actual user name of envato. that was the problem
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