Height of header
in Other
Is it possible to decrease height of this block?
How is called this block? Subheader?
How is called this block? Subheader?

I noticed that after Header/Subheader there is a big blank area "top padding".
How to delete it using CSS?
Thanks a lot!
I have a general problem with setting of my header.
If I turn on this settings:
then subheader (title and breadcrumbs) are displayed too heighly:
But if I turn off this option:
then header becomes to wide:
How to delete the area between menu and subheader (page title and breadcrumbs) ?
I quess different headers don't have these two functions together.
Would you mind wondering to reduce height of the transparent header (in Betheme)?
These area (that I've pointed out) is blank - this is waste of area on the screen. It would be nice to fill this area be the text.
This is the link to my personal website (for which I've bought a licence for Betheme):