
Is it possible to open an iframe within a modal?


  • Hey,
    it depends from where you want to add the modal.
    Do you want it as a button in the content?
  • I would like a button to open a modal from within this modal loads itself an iframe with an external content.
  • There is a 'hack', it looks like this:

    [button title="Button" link="#you-custom-id" target="_blank" class="" download="" rel="lightbox" onclick=""]

    <div id="you-custom-id" style="display:none">CONTENT HERE</div>
  • Thanks, it helps me a lot, just a doubt, I tried some options here to leave the modal responsive and I could not, is it just fixed size anyway?

    <div id="you-custom-id" style="display:none; max-width:90%; width:90%; height:90%;">
  • The lightbox fits to the content inserted.
    You should set the iframe width to 100% and set a fixed height.
    Rest should be done by the lightbox plugin or by your custom CSS.
  • edited August 2019

    I tried to do what guided me and it did not work, can you see if I did it right?
  • Sorry but we do not support user modifications in code. I gave you a non standard method of using this. A regular user would never find this and it requires some knowledge.
    It works totally fine with images and text. if you are using a complicated iframe then it could be troublesome.
  • edited June 2019

    Is it possible to open slider inside lightbox by pressing button with option lightbox on?
    Or instead of image link use shortcode in button settings?

    Best regards
  • Hello Aleksander,
    Shortcodes which are using JS to work (like slider) will not work properly in the lightbox.
    We suggest, to insert image there.

  • Hi Pablo,

    Button lightbox did't work for me, but popup lightbox works just fine :)

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