Text align and padding
How to set the alignment to the left side and at the same time set the distance eg 1 cm?
The assumption is that the text would be aligned to the left side but it would start with the banner above.
Screen: https://zapodaj.net/8eb8c70dbd126.png.html
Column Item Code:
Column Item Code:
<h2>[highlight background="#dd9933" color="white"]Narzędzia Transferowe[/highlight]</h2>
<h5><p align="left":margin-left:20px>długość: do 4000 mm</p>
<p align="left">waga: do 10 ton</p>
<p align="left">konstrukcja: odlewy/płyty</p>
<p align="left">oprzyrządowanie: SAMEC</p>
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