How do I do this?


I'm using the BeStore theme, but I saw a content block that I really like on another Be theme:

I really like the way the picture is on the left, with the white box and text immediately to right without any margin. Is there a shortcode I could use on the BeStore theme to achieve this look or could you tell me how to get this look? I also like the way the background appears on the page behind these boxes.



  • Hey,
    the best way would be to create a subdomain, use the same license key to register your betheme ( same key as the main domain) and install this pre-built website.
    You can then see how it is made, or import/export the Muffin Builder data.
  • Cool, I will try that thanks
  • I thought that was a great suggestion and I used it a couple of times, thanks!

    But today I attemped to do this and I entered the same license key, but I got this message:

    "Purchase code already used. Please deregister purchase code and remove theme folder on:

    How do I do it now? 

  • Hello!
    If you are having issues with deregistering your license key, want to manage your license key or most important, you want to deregister a website that has been removed without deregistering it first, head to this topic:

    There you will find instructions and a link to our license tool.

  • I don't want to deregister my theme, because I use all the themes that I purchase. 

    Did you read the thread above? I'd like to just be able to see how another theme set up the demo, so that I can incorporate that into another site. You had suggested using the same registration code to see how that demo was set up, but now I can no longer re-use my registration code. Did something change? Have I tried to use that code too many times? 
  • From what I have read, I explained to you that you can use the same key only under a subdomain or a subfolder.
    You ofcourse have to create the main domain first, regisiter it and then continue with registering the key on the subdomains.
    Maybe you did not deregister a key before you moved the website?
    Please do as Pablo said and deregister the license key from all possible domains. You can use the license tool to check if it was deregistered.
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