Blog Masonry Tiles style

Using Masonry Tiles style blog i would like to make some changes in order to have this result:

*** All the posts will be external links. ***

I can meake 1 column with this css:

.posts_group.masonry.tiles.col-2 .post-item { width: 99.98%; }

remove icon link:

.masonry.tiles .post-item .post-format-icon { display: none; }

Result is here:

What I cannot do is:

Change the height of the post / link.

Change the background color of the post link and ad a mouseover color.

I am trying to find the solution in layout.css but i didn't find for the moment.

Can you help me please.


  • Hi,
    We suggest not to customize the masonry tiles style through the css code.
    It's managed by the javascript code and it could make a lot of responsiveness problems.

    By "height of the post / link" what exactly do you have in common?
    Can you explain it?

    To change the background color of that element, please go to the Theme Options > Colors > Content and change the color of the "Image Frame | Link background"

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