Removing hamburger icon for a "classic" theme

Good evening,

I close the classic theme because I needed drop downs for a couple of my pages but wanted the classic feel of a spread out menu (not a mobile icon).  But for some reason I can't remove the hampburger icon.  Please advise?


  • Hello,
    please disable under construction mode.
  • edited July 2019

  • Under Construction mode is off.
  • I also cannot change the color of the drop down menus.  I'd like to lighten them.
  • Do you still want to remove the "hamburger" icon for mobile menu?
    Also, you cannot change the color because you use the "One Color Skin", change it to "Custom Skin" and you will be able to change all of the colors.

    "One Color Skin" and All of the colors in Theme Options > Colors are pre-built colors and if they are set, then you are not able to change any of the colors.
  • I'm trying to build my regular site and for some reason the hamburger icon (from the mobile menu) is appearing on my regular site page.  I'd like to have a regular type set navigation across the top of the page for the site.

    When mobile comes in effect I'd like the hamburger icon to come into effect. But on my regular site I'd like a regular menu. For some reason I can't get it to be normal.
  • Hey,

    Please send us WordPress dashboard access privately thru the contact form which is on the right side at and we will check what might be the reason.

    Please attach a link to this forum discussion.

  • Thank you Email Sent
  • Hey,
    you just have a small screen, because the menu is showing fine.
    We have set a lower mobile breakpoint so you should see it now. You can modify it in theme options>responsive>header.
    Also, we found that this plugin "Page builder & Shortcodes - PremiumCoding'
    is responsible for screwing up your menu, we disabled it for now, if you enable it again you will see the problem.
  • Thank you!  One more issue. Now I have a heavy black bar on my page which I can't find to get rid of it.  Please advise?
  • aaand my homepage disappeared WITH the header and navigataion. thoughts?
  • The line was showing due to header options, I changed the minimalist option in theme options>header&subheader>header.

    The page was not working beause you have inserted a slider revolution shortcode but there is no sliders at this moment. I removed the shortcode and it works fine.
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