Use MuffinBuilder on WooCommerce product

Hi.I want to use MuffinBuilder on woocommerce products. but we must to use shortcodes only.its very difficult to use shortcodes to design a we  can use it withou typing shortcodes but design mode?: 

how can i export shortcodes of a pre-designed post ( by MuffinBuilder) to use on another places like footer,woocommerceproducts ,.... 


  • Hi,
    You cannot use the Muffin Builder in the WooCommerce pages, it's just not possible.
    if you want to use another pre-built layout for woocommerce pages, you
    can switch it in the Theme Options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop >

    Of course, you can use our shortcodes in the footer.
    Just apply the shortcodes into the "Custom HTML" widget
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