Mise à jour du Thème

Sorry, if the text is not good, I use the Google translator!
I am trying to update the theme.
Currently, I am on the version 20.8.81.
When I update, here is the message I get: "An error occurred while updating Betheme: The archive could not be installed, this package does not contain any files."

Can you help me ? Thank you.


  • Hey, this message could mean that your license key is used on more than one domain. Please use the license manager to handle your license keys: http://forum.muffingroup.com/betheme/discussion/36219/cannot-register-deregister-your-license-key-use-this-tool#latest

    If you see (on our license manager) that your license key is registered on a single domain, then please disable all of the plugins and deregister that license key (through the BeTheme > Dashboard)

    After that, get into the license manager once more, if the license key is still claimed - deregister it, if it’s not, register it again on your domain (through the BeTheme > Dashboard) and try to update your theme/plugins couple of times (usually it pass after 2-3 attempts) - remember, all of the plugins have to be disabled.

  • Hello
    Thank you for the clarification. However the problem is not solved.
    The betheme license purchased for this site is:
    66361e30-efd0 - **** - **** - ************
    On the license manager, it is attached to the following domain name:
    which was the domain when we redesigned the site.
    Now the site is on the following domain:
    I tried to do the manipulation you offered me, but it did not work.
    How to do ?
    Thank you for your reply.
    It's always Google that makes the translation... :o)
  • What do you see on the license key manager?
    It's attached only to the immobusol.fr domain?

    If so, please tell me, is there the same error message?
  • Hello,
    the license key is attached to immobusolnews.apps-1and1.net (the domain on which the site was created).
    while the site is on the following domain: immobusol.fr

    Is the problem coming from there?
    What to do ?

    Here is the line on the license key manager:
  • Click "Deregister" and then get into the "immobusol.fr", and register your license key there.
    and try to update your theme/plugins couple of times (usually it pass
    after 2-3 attempts) - remember, all of the plugins have to be disabled.
  • very good
    It works, the update is ok!
    thanks thanks !
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