How to use previous built Be Theme with new license
How do I set up a new Be Theme license with a previously built Be Theme site. The previously built site was from a custom theme (WeddingVideos). Can someone walk me through the process? A couple of things:
• I have set up the domain and Wordpress hosting already for the new license
• I have purchased the new license and downloaded the Zip file
• I have not installed the theme on my WordPress site yet
Also, I'm not sure if I have access to the previous site's File Manager at this point (this is pending)
But, I do have a back-up of the site when I did an All-In-One Migration back in February 2019. It is a sql.gz (gzip compressed archive)
Any help is appreciated!
If you are having issues with deregistering your license key, want to manage your license key or most important, you want to deregister a website that has been removed without deregistering it first, head to this topic:
There you will find instructions and a link to our license tool.