related posts for single post: featured posts squished together; culprit: having col-2, col-3 etc.,

edited August 2019 in Theme support
there is something wrong with your related post, it is squished together and i've noticed that is using the col-3 with a css value of max-width: 25%; see below css declaration, when i take out the max-width from "25%" to "unset" it will go back to normal all three related posts are not squished together. also i havent changed or added a custom css using the class "section-related-ul" "col-3".

when i changed the option settings under the blog > related posts (for single post) > columns > toggle 2 to 6 it only got worst it will squished further.

also wondering why there is a columns for related post, i dont get it. it works when i set the max-width value for each following class ( col-2, col-3, col-4, col-5, col-6 ) to "unset".

when the columns are selected on the options settings  ( blog > related posts (for single post) > columns > toggle 2 to 6 ), this should not be on the option panel and in the related posts html.

.col-3 {
    -ms-flex: 0 0 25%;
    flex: 0 0 25%;
    max-width: 25%;

<div class="section-related-ul col-3"></div>


.section-related-ul.col-3 {
    max-width: unset;

even in the blog post roll option is set to classic and there is a
column that is intended for masonry, grid style. but the classic
style uses the columns col-2 and the width is squished, i have to set  a custom css for
the class col-2 and col-3 with a custom value of "unset" so that it wont squished together. i
think there is definitely wrong with your css mark-up.

this is from the responsive viewport from width of 375px to 1024px

<div class="posts_group lm_wrapper col-2 classic"></div>

.col-2 {
    -ms-flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
    flex: 0 0 16.666667%;
    max-width: 16.666667%;


.posts_group.lm_wrapper.col-2.classic {
    max-width: unset;

for now the fixed for me is to give a value of "unset" for max-width for the class .col-2 and .col-3 for each problem like related posts and blog posts

how to fix this? or rather there is something wrong with your css?

Theme: betheme > betheme child theme

Theme: Version


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