Portfolio Items with multiple Categories

Dear MuffinGroup Support,

I have a client with portfolio items in different categories. The portfolio showcase works very well with this. However, there is an issue when a user clicks on a portfolio item in a certain category - let's call it category A. The user can browse through other portfolio items in the same category at the right and left end of the page using the small previews. However, once there is a portfolio item in the category that also has a different category, the next suggested portfolio items are from the second category, let's call it category B.
Here is an example of the order of portfolio items I get through the navigation:

A -- A -- A -- AB -- B -- B

Is there a way of either stopping the theme suggesting portfolio items from different categories or tricking the system? Does it, for example, "prefer" a category if it has two categories given, e.g. the category that's first alphabetically?
I want the suggestions only to be from category A, hence when there is a portfolio item with category A and B, I want the following suggestions still only to be from category A, not category B.


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