Ultimate Member Password Reset - Not working with Betheme
Hi there,
I’m currently using UM 2.0.56 with Betheme and Muffin group. I have set up UM.
However, the password reset function doesn’t work.
1) Received the email with the link “reset password” – it’s works
2) I am then requested to enter a “password” – It should actually ask me for a “new password” and then to reconfirm that “new password”?
3) But it doesn’t seem to be updating the password so user continues without access.
it’s caused by Betheme because it is working with Twenty Nineteen theme. No cache plugin installed.
Can you please help me asap.
Thank you.
Sorry, but we did not test this script/plugin with the theme. Our policy states that we do not support third party plugins or custom code so unfortunately, we cannot be of any help to you.
Also, we cannot recommend any plugins other than the ones we support. You can find the list on this page, in the sidebar: