Logo responsiveness - issue on demo site with logo on mobile view

Hi, I'm having trouble with BeTheme and the site logo. I have the showcase theme loaded and actually the issue exists on the demo site at https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/showcase/

Essentially if you change browser size the logo isn't changing at the relevant breakpoint. e.g. it looks like this https://cloudup.com/iHfl-OxAK_0 (screenshot taken from demo).

This is probably relevant for theme developers to fix on their demo aswell as for me to fix on my site.

Any advice appreciated on how to fix. Thanks :-)


  • Hello,
    I tried to achieve the same effect, but I couldn't.
    Can you tell me which browser and phone did you use?
  • Thanks for reply. I’ve tested on chrome, safari and Firefox (MacBook) and the issue exists on ALL browsers tested on (logo not dynamic when screen resized). Screencast showing all three browsers here: https://cloudup.com/cKRySs61xwB

    Also tested on iPhone and iMac - it's fine on those devices. Thanks.

  • Hey,
    you are correct. This is because the version of BeTheme was older on that demo and we already fixed this issue. Just update the theme to the newest version.
  • Hi, thanks, I see the problem is rectified on the demo. I've updated my theme but the problem still exists. Is there anything else I need to do? Can I check what version fixes the issue? Thanks
  • Please send us a link to your website.
    We have to check, if something else is not making that issue.
  • Thanks, I've just sent URL as a private message. cheers, Kate
  • Please clear the cache of your browser - after that, it will be working fine.
  • Thanks, I have cleared cache and it works (sorry I did clear cache when I checked last but should have tried again today). All fixed. cheers :-)
  • Apologies I think I was premature in saying it was fixed as on page refresh the issue reappears. I've tested on your demo site and the same issue is there even when cache is cleared. Here is a screencast that I've just taken to iillustrate logo not resizing properly. See https://cloudup.com/iVJ6ij_dYPo
  • I tried to achieve that, but I couldn't - everything works fine now.
    Did you try to check if it's happening on other devices?
  • Hi, it will only be an issue on desktop or larger devices so not an issue on mobile or tablet (so not worth checking those). If you take a look at https://cloudup.com/iVJ6ij_dYPo you'll see problem exists on your demo site still after clearing cache. It also happens on multiple browsers. It's the same issue on my site as on your demo site.
  • edited October 2019
    So, this problem is related to the retina logo, but on mobile it will be working fine.
    Test it on not retina screen and you'll see that issue does not exist - also on mobile screen with retina it will be okay.

    It's the problem related to the inspector and browser responsiveness
  • Hi, Thanks for getting back to me but I don't think it is a problem with the browser, it is a problem with the theme and how it appears on multiple browsers when the screen is resized. This is how your logo looks on your demo site when the screen is resized: https://cloudup.com/cG8n6b_1eEV
    Being able to resize a screen is part of the responsiveness of the theme so needs to be fixed please.
  • We'll surely take deeper investigation about it.
    For now, the only workaround which we can provide is to remove the retina logo - it will be resizing fine then.
    The problem appears only on the retina logo screens, while resizing - all other devices is resizing it correctly.

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