Logo responsiveness - issue on demo site with logo on mobile view
Hi, I'm having trouble with BeTheme and the site logo. I have the showcase theme loaded and actually the issue exists on the demo site at https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/showcase/
Essentially if you change browser size the logo isn't changing at the relevant breakpoint. e.g. it looks like this https://cloudup.com/iHfl-OxAK_0 (screenshot taken from demo).
This is probably relevant for theme developers to fix on their demo aswell as for me to fix on my site.
Any advice appreciated on how to fix. Thanks :-)
Thanks for reply. I’ve tested on chrome, safari and Firefox (MacBook) and the issue exists on ALL browsers tested on (logo not dynamic when screen resized). Screencast showing all three browsers here: https://cloudup.com/cKRySs61xwB
Also tested on iPhone and iMac - it's fine on those devices. Thanks.