wp upgraded but slider isnt working - website cubuilt.com
today upgraded wordpress after long time to latest one, but layer slider and revolution slider both are giving errors.
it had stopped access to dashboard even which i restored from wordpress recovery mode but now both sliders are inactive.
I am unable to find revolution slider & layer slider file compatible to latest wordpress version; can you provide download link or please guide how do i get from themeforest download section. (current downloaded file shows only slider documentations)
here is hosting team reply
On Checking the Wp-debug logs I observed that the Wordpress plugins 'LayerSlider' and 'js_composer' are using old deprecated PHP functions. You may verify the same with logs attached below.
https://privatebin.support- tools.com/?bb30e8c7432c5775# jzP1YkEfW6Rb0ujYic1czDZbaIrINi al16QLoLylFfU=