How to increase web-site speed?

Hello there!

Please help us to analyze reasons & fix issues with web site slow speed.
We have made the web-side on BeTheme using Journey Template

This is dramatically slow.

Could you please help us to analyze the reasons of such slow web-site work
and if the problem can be fixed with some customization & coding from theme developers team - calculate the cost of such works?
The task is to speed up the web-site download,

Thanks in advance!



  • Muffin Mods won't be able to help much here as not related to Betheme.

    Google page scores are always biased, just something like to test the site and it will provide you with the list of items to fix to increase speed. Then is a case of learning how :)
  • Hello Eugenia,
    You shouldn't care about the google insights page speed, it's not a good tool to check it.
    Take a look at this topic:

    But, if you want to make your website load faster you should:
    - Compress your images, we suggest to use
    - Disable all of the unused plugins
    - Decrease amount of enabled plugins

  • Pablo, 

    thank you very much for your answer,
    Please can you help me to understand the origin of problem with scripts:
    - original page Be Theme Journey has no problems with scripts -
    - however if I scan our page which was made in the Journey template, I see problem with scripts here:

    This page has almost no images. What is the problem with scripts then?

    Thank you very much in advance,

  • As you can see, these scripts which are making your website loading slow are not coming from our package.

    You should contact authors of the plugins, because we do not provide help with the third-party plugins.
    Also, we are not able to change the js code of bundle plugins - some performance websites will show other result and it's almost impossible to achieve great effect on all of the services like that.

    Remember, that in some cases it's not possible to minify it (like RevSlider), because it's really big plugin with a lot of functionalities - which are already minified a lot by the author plugin.

  • Thank you very much! 
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