Testimonials page & History tree
Now i downloaded the latest BeTheme code, it seems some of my recommendations incl static code has been taken up i was very happy to see this :-)
However i now have a follow up question, i know you do not provide custom theme support etc.
However i was wondering if there's a way where your Testimonials addon can actually be listed as a page aswell?
Where you have 2 - 3 colonms and list every testimonial you have on that page?
I would love to have such a page (as just scrolling testimonial is fun and all but it won't impress my customers.. 5+ pages with 9 - 12 testimonials each will do the trick however).
Can you guys help or assist me in creating such page ? (or give tips on how to make such capability my self).
Second question.
I'm trying to make a sort of history tree like my current site.
I was hoping if you got any advice for me on how to achieve this (with the most easy way possible) i'm not afraid of shortcodes, etc aslong as it gets the job done without me having to create it from scratch.
What i'm seeking is something similar to:
at the bottom you will see a fadeup effect, with a image, date, and some small simple text.
I want to reproduce this from my old .eu site with your theme.
Can you guys assist or provide any tips on how to do this?
yes, we added some of your requests as we really take care of all our customers and we always try to add all of them Below we`ll answer on your questions.
1. We think this should be easily done. If you want testimonials page with columns then this shouldn`t be a problem to do it. When you page, you can use for example Muffin Builder, inside you can put "Column" items, for example like below: and inside each column you can put "Blockquote" item using text/raw shortcode. And using it this way, you will be able to get what you exactly need
2. We see this history section but we don`t see any fadeup effect with image. But in our opinion, the best way to do it will be "Timeline" item that you can check on http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/shortcodes/content-elements#timeline. Just have a look for example on this page http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/home/school?mfn-c=orange&mfn-l=school&mfn-f=Courgette and see how this could be used and how nice looks.
Hope we helped you a lot
2. So the only possible way we see, is remove animations at all if this affect your page speed. For that you need to remove 2 below lines from functions/theme-head.php file: