Update Notifications

Hi Overthere,
just noticed accidently that BeTheme was out of date.
Is there any way to get informed by the installation, when an update ist due?

Thx in advance.


  • Hello,
    Which BeTheme version do you use? 
    Below 20:
    Here is an instruction on how to update the theme: http://themes.muffingroup.com/betheme/documentation/#general Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme. We also recommend creating a backup file. Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a fresh copy. Do not overwrite files. 

    From version 20 you can update the theme from the dashboard of your WordPress, in the BeTheme tab. Just register the license, and you will be able to update the theme, install newest plugins and import pre-built websites with sliders. We are not including rev-sliders and plugin updates in the theme package.
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