post grid missing last post issue

Hello, i need to insert a classic  VC “Post Grid” element in a category page.
I tried pasting the widget shortcode directly inside the custom field i created, in order to customize the category
Everything is working fine but, inside the post list, is missing last inserted post! Is this a bug?


  • Hi,

    Please provide us with your hosting environment settings, to do that please follow these steps:
    1) Go to the Wordpress > Tools > Site Health
    2) Click at the “Info” on the top of the page and open the “Server” tab
    3) Take a screenshot of the content inside that ‘Server’ tab
    Please make sure you are using Wordpress 5.2 or later, previous versions did not have this option built in.

    Please use or to host the screenshot and send us the link to it.

  • So, your server values are fine - it should remove your content.
    I suggest, to check, if you provide the proper value of posts which have to be displayed.
    Remember, that it cannot display all of them, you have to set an amount of posts.

  • Ok, so there is no configuration issue with the widget, and yes we've set the proper values for render each post. As mentioned before there must be another kind of problem.

    in category.php if you do:
    echo do_shortcode("[vc_basic_grid post_type="post" max_items="4"  taxonomies="4" el_class="categorygrid"]");

    when you are rendering the page related to category with id=4 ( taxonomies="4" ) the post grid shown misses the last one. in any other category page the postgrid shows the right amount of posts


  • Sorry, but all of the options can be set in item settings - we do not provide the help with the files customizations.
    You can set the category which you want to set in "Data Settings" tab.

    Also, you are cuzstomizing the WPBakery plugin files, which you should ask their support about it.

  • As far as i know i need a licence in order to have support from wpbakery.
    And the theme licence alone does not cover the support for the page builder.
    How am i suppose to solve this problem?
  • Are you suggesting to buiyng again the plugin i've already purchased through your theme?!?
  • The problem is related to customizing the wordpress core's code - what in reference to Item Support Policy is not allowed.
    We tested it on regular page and it works fine:

    The "Category" page is generated automatically by the wordpress and it's not possible to insert any MB item or WPBakery item.

    Of course, It can be done, but with the Wordpress files customizations, which as I said, it's not supported by us.
    So if you want to modify files and don't know how, you should contact your web developer.

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