Add Layout & Add Template - Admin Menus Items

Hi there,

What do you mean and what are the menu options in the dashboard Template & Layout ?
How to use them, I didn't find any  docs on that.
Thank you.



  • Hello Yoqi,
    Probably, you used the old documentation - we'll publish the new one, which will be updated and more helpful than actual one.

    All of the Layouts and Templates can be created in the Wordpress menu:

    And to attach it on some page, just find the option to it while creating a page.

  • Hello,

    Allright I understand.

    So my question is : where can I define a css property to an entire page. I'll explain. 
    I need to set up several forums and blogs within the same domain / website and I want to create a visual distinction between departments with CSS. Ex. Surgeon's pages with the menus in green and the dentists' page with the blue menu (it's a lot more complex but it's the general idea). 
    So how to do it, do I have to include the page in a div with #ID or create some layouts. 
    Your experience is welcome. 
    Thank you

  • Hello,
    Global CSS should be inserted in Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    If you need to insert the CSS code only on certain page, you should edit that page and on the bottom you'll find the field to do it.

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