Client Slider how to maintain changes in "js/scripts.js"?

Hi there,

am I right that your client slider is based on slick slider?

I would like to have a continous sliding which means that it should only slide one logo instead of four. I already found it on line 2763 inside the theme js/script.js.

  •         slidesToShow: slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4),
  •         slidesToScroll: slickAutoResponsive(slider, 4)
Can you tell me, if there is a way to maintain my edits after updating the theme? (Maybe there is a way using the child theme?)

Second question:

Slick allows responsiveness by using breakpoints?

Is it possible to add that too?

  • responsive: [
                                breakpoint: 1024,
                                settings: {
                                    slidesToShow: 7,
                                    slidesToScroll: 1,
                                    autoplay: true,
                                    autoplaySpeed: 0,
                                    infinite: true,
                                    speed: 4000,
                                    cssEase: 'linear' // continuous sliding
                                breakpoint: 850,
                                settings: {
                                    slidesToShow: 6,
                                    slidesToScroll: 1,
                                    autoplay: true,
                                    autoplaySpeed: 0,
                                    infinite: true,
                                    speed: 4000,
                                    cssEase: 'linear' // continuous sliding


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