Force revolution slider on ALL pages
Hello, I encounter a problem with one of the features of Betheme on my pre-prod and this leads to several edge effects.
This is the option to "force a slider on all pages" (Theme Options> Global> Advanced).
When I activate it, the slider appears on a few pages, e.g :
but not on the blog page (but it works if i select the slider in the blog's page options), nor on the individual pages (posts, portfolios, events, etc.) :
- (blog page) ;
- (individual post) ;
- (individual portfolio) ;
- (individual event).
I've tried to add it directly in the header.php (by adding <?php putRevSlider( "my-slider-id" ) ?> between <div id="Wrapper"></div> and <div id="Header_wrapper"></div>) but it seems that the height of the Revolution Slider is no longer calculated so the sticky header appears at the start of the scroll.
Because of this, i would like to go through your option but it does not really activate the slider on ALL pages.
Because of this, i would like to go through your option but it does not really activate the slider on ALL pages.
Could you help me with that please?
Thank you in advance !
with minor css changes, understanding the theme and fixing the bugs
which comes from our theme.