Page Being Cut Off At A Certain Height
Hi, I am building pages with the Muffin Builder. Some of the pages are quite tall in height and the content at the bottom of the page is being hidden. As the pages grow in height with lots of content sections, the content begins to disappear at a certain height. Is there a reason this happens and how can I fix it?
Please provide us with your hosting environment settings, to do that please follow these steps:
1) Go to the Wordpress > Tools > Site Health
2) Click at the “Info” on the top of the page and open the “Server” tab
3) Take a screenshot of the content inside that ‘Server’ tab
Please make sure you are using Wordpress 5.2 or later, previous versions did not have this option built in.
Please use or to host the screenshot and send us the link to it.
Hi Pablo, thanks for the information. I am developing locally and have tried to add "php_value max_input_vars 5000" to my .htaccess file and "@ini_set( 'max_input_vars' , 5000 );" to my wp-config.php file. Both have not worked so far, do you have any other suggestions?