PopUp Format for Video


I'm trying create a popup with video in my web. But, I have a problem. I don't get visual good. For example; I need same who https://themes.muffingroup.com/be/video3/videos/  The popup haven't padding and the with and height is the video format, no de window format popup. In this link you see my popup. Is the sencond section. You click in "Play Video" http://lc.ebns.es/.es.

someone else happens to him? Please, help me. Thanks!


  • Hello,
    It's made using the "Hover Box", please take a look at the configuration of that item to achieve this effect: http://prntscr.com/qkbl53
    Please recreate it and give me a reply if it works for you.
  • Dear Pablo, 

    Sorry for delay in my reply. Have the shortcode this format (hover box). I need into de page, about same cause. For example, in this link http://lc.ebns.es/discografia/, you can see some song. This song, have a icon player in the left. This icon use for listen the song or see a video. I the video layer, a would like see a popup. In the listen song I good like the div display block under the title song.

    I have this code, about this div: 
    <h2>ROCKER <span class="themecolor">(2017)</span></h2>
    [divider height="15"]
    <p>Duis dignissim mi ut laoreet mollis. Nunc id tellus finibus, eleifend mi vel, maximus justo. </p>
    [divider height="15"]
    <h4>11 CANCIONES</h4>
    <table class="band3-table">
    <td class="t1">
    [content_link title="" icon="icon-googleplay" link="#" class="play" download=""]
    <td class="t2">4:31</td>

    <td class="t1">[content_link title="" icon="icon-googleplay" link="#" class="play" download=""]Baile de carnaval</td>
    <td class="t2">5:24</td>

    <td class="t1">[content_link title="" icon="icon-video" link="" class="play" download=""]Bartolo</td>
    <td class="t2">4:49</td>

    The same, I have shortcode about icon, I wouldlike, have shortcode for hover box. I don't thing if is posible, or I need create a personal code for this purpose. 

    I hope Understand me!
    Thanks Pablo!
  • I do not know if I understood you correctly, but there is a shortcode for the hover box item:
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