Make action bar update on scroll

edited January 2020 in Menu / Mega menu
In some of the pre-built pages, e.g. "Profile", the action bar in the main menu changes position, and the links change color, as you scroll through the sections in the main page. How do I make that happen in my site?

Some background: I began with the "Profile" site and have been making changes, using Muffin Builder. I turned off "Single page" so that I could create my anchors on new sections. Then I updated all the anchors to use my own site's URL, followed by "/#" and the tag. Now, when I click on the links in the main menu, they all take me correctly to the appropriate sections. However, when I scroll through the page, the action bar doesn't move and the links don't change color.


  • I've figured it out. I just needed to turn "Single page" back on.

    It seems that the workflow is this: turn "Single page" off to add an anchor, and then you can link to it from menus, but be sure to turn "Single page" on again. Or is there a more straightforward way?
  • Hello,
    Sorry, but you have to turn on the single page function to make your website scroll.
    There is no other simple way.
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