Licença Inválida.

Então! Acabei de comprar um novo pacote do Betheme com licença, Instalei mas precisei de desinstalar, ao tentar reinstalar, informa que a licença está invalida, que foi registrada em outro domínio, como? Se meu domínio é e acabei de comprar esta licença? Por favor resolva isso pra mim, porque estou na empreza do cliente e não consigo fazer nada! Minha licença de 2016 tbm não está funcionando mais!!! Estou de mãos atadas e aguardando vcs me darem uma solução!!!

umatt, JJandrad1


  • Hello,
    We do not understand what you are trying to tell us.
    Please write your question in language, which is primary language of this forum - English language.
  • Come on! I bought the Betheme package at the beginning of month 02/2020 with the license that came with it, I installed it the first time, but I had to uninstall it, when reinstalling rebo the msg that is already registered, that I have to purchase another license! As if I'm using the same domain ??? I need to know how to re-register the same license, for the same domain!
    And I would also like to know why my old version 12.5 license does not allow me to upload themes, otherwise there was a unitary license in 2016?
    Att, Jamilson
  • Hello,
    The 12.5 version of Betheme is really old and it should be updated, because it does not support new versions of the PHP and some of the functionalities will not work.
    Please update it first.

    Here is an instruction on how to update the theme:
    Theme updates will not delete your content unless you have changed the
    files directly in which case we suggest using a child theme.
    We also recommend creating a backup file.
    Please remove the theme completely from your theme folder and install a
    fresh copy. Do not overwrite files.
  • Pablo! I have this same problem and I did not understand your explanation of this error.
    Your domain cannot be found.
  • Can you explain it greater? Please attach some screenshot?
    Also, do you use latest version of BeTheme?
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