BeTheme Notebook

When I try to make changes to One page templates toward the bottom of those templates, the changes aren't save and sometimes the background color changes. I have tried this on Be Notebook and Be Company same results, I have even tried to install on 5.0 wordpress, and still the same results. This is my second theme purchase of Be Theme, my other site is working fine, but now I'm afraid to touch it because I don't want this issue ruining the site. 


  • I also tried it without installing the WPBakery Page builder which I don't use anyway. but it does the same thing there is an error inside this them the way it is working with wordpress, Is there an older version of the theme I could use that has worked for these prebuilt websites. I think it has something to do with the length of the page. Once it reaches a certain part it no longer accepts any updates or changes. 
  • Looks like I discovered some issues with my .htaccess file and fixed the issue. It may be related to Go Daddy Hosting accounts. 
  • Hello,
    It looks like the cache issue, please take a look for any cache software on your hosting settings.
    This kind of software should be disabled if your website is not ready to publish.
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