How do I add a contact form in Pre-Built Websites

Hi first time using this theme as a pre-built can I add certain pages to this template? 

Like a contact us 7 fillable form?

Blog Page 

Will they appear on the one page?


  • Hello,
    You have to add the shortcode which comes from the Contact Form 7 into the "Column" item from the Muffin Builder.
  • Great thanks -

    How can I add sections like a logo section for clients as well as a footer?
  • I do not know how you would like to make it look like, but you can use the "Slider" functionality if you would like to make it "slide", or if you just want to display it, use the "Image" item.

    Both of the items can be found in the Muffin Builder.
    Remember, that if you want to provide logos to "Slider", you have to do it through WP Dashboard > Slides

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