Fonts and other styles not loading

Hello, we are still waiting for our new SSL certificate on our site, however, I have installed the new BE theme, updated our Revolution slider, updated to the latest wordpress, etc. etc. and after the installation of the most recent Betheme (ours was quite outdated) it will not load our correct fonts. I had to add some code in order for the fonts to override the Times New Roman, but that is not the solution I want to take. Sizing, colors, fonts for the headers.

Can you please provide some guidance?


  • Hello,
    You have to wait for the certificate, because a lot of elements are linked to the https because font is linked to the https.
    You can migrate all https links to http with this plugin:
    But you will have to use it once more when your certificate will be provided.
  • Thank you! I guess that was what I needed confirmation on. I had a hunch it was related to the SSL, but wasn't certain, so thought while I waited for the SSL, I would get confirmation in case I was wrong.

    Appreciate the help!

  • Hello!

    I now I have my SSL certificate issued and am still seeing some font issues. For example, on the footer - unless I enter html code (as on the bottom right) the text is coming through as Times New Roman instead of the Raleway that I want.

    In theme options, the fonts are all selected to Raleway. I have not found any specific CSS code in addition directing fonts. It all changed once I installed a few upgrades both to BeTheme and wordpress.

    Any thoughts?
  • One other detail - if I used <p>my marketing text</p> - then Raleway shows up. But if I used any of the H1, H2 etc. etc. codes or zero tags at all, then it defaults to Times New Roman
  • Can you update your theme to the latest version?
    Right now it's kinda outdated.
  • Just updated to
  • As I see, it's working fine now - the Raleway font shows correctly and there is no error in console anymore.
    Do you need some further help?
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