price item : Adjust price font size

edited April 2020 in BeBuilder
Hello muffingroup,

how can i adjust the price font size on my site?

Price item 1 large font.
Price Item 2 and 3 small font.
Would like to adjust the font size.



  • Hi,

    Please open your website in Firefox html mode (CTRL+U) and check html errors you got. Please fix them first and all should be fine.

  • Hello Pablo,

    i have no idea how to fix these bugs, unfortunately i am not a web-developer and therefore i decided to use the modular form. Can you give me tips why the errors occur? Then these errors are on all created pages. Even a blank page with three of the price items is displayed incorrectly. Where is the error?

    That's why I paid so much for the BeTheme so I don't have to care about such things, you advertised with no programming knowledge.

  • The HTML issues are usually made by the customers, by not closing tags in the proper place or not closing the quotation marks in html code.
    It's not a BeTheme fault, all of the items are tested and they does not include any HTML mistakes, and as we advertised, you don't need to have the programming knowledge, but if you are creating some basic html code, you still need to carry about closing all of the tags or quotation marks.

    Your page is now disabled, can you send me link to the blank page with the price items? And disable the under construction mode.
  • Hello Pablo,

    here is the link of the blank side with only the price items :
  • Please paste that CSS code into the Theme Options > Custom CSS & JS > CSS
    .price span{
    font-size:24px !important;

    Also, I suggest to double check your HTML markings, because you still have some html issues.
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