Breadcrumbs in Multisite

I have created a child theme and used this on a multisite installation of Wordpress. 

On the main website (Site 1) the breadcrumbs display as "Home > Page" which is correct. 

On the other web site (Site 2), I would like to display the breadcrumbs as "Home > Site 2 Home > Page". Where the first 'Home' link is back to the main site (Site 1).

How do I achieve this?


  • Sorry but this won't be possible unfortunately. Breadcrumbs works around one website only and you can't link breadcrumbs from one website to another.

    Thanks for understanding!
  • Ok. Can you advise on the following 2 options please:

    1) In the template, can I code in a link before the breadcrumb that says "Home >" and this will link through to the other site? If so, what template and where would I need to add this?

    2) If not, am I able to change the word 'Home' at the start of the breadcrumb link to 'Location Name'?

  • 1) To play with breadcrumbs, you must modify theme files but we do not offer those kind of modifications.

    2) Word "Home" can be changed under Theme options > Translate > General section.
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