boxes and content

I am trying to get this the grey Botton link (underneath newsletter sign up ) to line up right underneath contact us 

I am using muffin builder and I have placed the item (bottom) right underneth and it keeps floating to the right? I have tried adding a placeholder but still bounces to the right? 

Please help - here is an image:


  • Hello,
    I was on your website and I didn't notice that button, can you send me a link to the page where this appears?
  • I deleted the button as it looks odd the site is live now -

    I can send you a pic of how this was created in muffin builder ...

    I am trying to add an item immediately under the contact bos on the left hand side - but everything gets pushed to the right side?
  • I have to take a look at it live.
    Is there any chance to it?
  • Here is the website ?

    How can you look at it live? Let me know
  • I do not understand at all, because that section looks proper, but I do not see the that "Book Now" button which probably is not aligned properly - you have to select the "Aligment" of the button to "Right" to make it pushed to the right side.

    But, I'm not sure if you are asking about it, because you told "I am trying to add an item immediately under the contact bos on the left hand side", but on the screenshot you sent the button is already on left side.

    If you want to insert more elements in one of the sides (left, center, right), you should use three wraps (1/3) and insert items there, for each side - then you will be sure, that they will not wrap to another line.

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