Is there any limit to the length of the one-page?

edited May 2020 in BeBuilder
Dear development team,

I have the following problem with my new betheme page: I create a complete page in the muffin builder until the end, and then update the page. At some point, the page is cut off, and the content doesn't go on. In the next step, I go back into the muffin builder, and have to see that my last pages and columns are no longer there.

(You can find the corresponding pictures in the appendix)

I have HTML tables in the last section, but they are displayed in reverse order.

The .svg image with the landscape is just my background image of my footer (padding top: 500px).
In general I use a lot of java-animated .svg images on my website.

Short content is displayed normally. Only from a special length obviously not anymore.

I'm completely at a loss, and I really hope that you can help me. Unfortunately, I'm currently still developing the website on my local installation on the computer, because I don't have a server yet.

With kind regards
Leander Weinert



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