Button Love


In the latest version of the theme, the button-love CSS is set to display none but I can't find an option to change this to switch it on.

Also, can you explain how/where you reset the count on each entry?




  • Hi Adam,

    "Love Button" can be ON under Theme options > Blog, Portfolio & Shop > General section.

  • Hi,

    Thanks for the reply.

    Found the option. But is there anyway to reset the count to '0' other than the randomize option.

    One other thing, we have tried setting the Theme Options => Excerpt Length to 10 and with the demo data in the Clean theme and it doesn't seem to affect the length of the text.

    Also, we tried to add a plugin to add captcha to the comments form but it doesn't work, is this a theme problem? The plugin was Captcha by BestWebSoft in the repository.


  • No, it is not possible to set 0 for love buttons.

    If "Excerpt length" field does not work, it means you must deactivate all extra plugins because probably one of them is the problem.

    We did not tested any captcha plugin so we have no idea what could be the problem.
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